New Command And Conquer 2024

The Command & Conquer series is a real-time strategy (RTS) game franchise created by Westwood Studios. The first game in the series, Command & Conquer: Tiberian Dawn, was released in 1995 and was a critical and commercial success. The series has since spawned numerous sequels, expansions, and spin-offs, and has become one of the most popular RTS franchises in the world.

The latest game in the series, Command & Conquer: Generals 2, was released in 2013. However, the game was met with mixed reviews and did not perform as well as previous games in the series. As a result, EA Games, the current publisher of the Command & Conquer franchise, announced in 2014 that it had put the series on hold indefinitely.

New Command And Conquer 2024

Here are 9 important points about New Command And Conquer 2024:

  • Release date: 2024
  • Platforms: PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S
  • Developer: EA Games
  • Publisher: EA Games
  • Genre: Real-time strategy (RTS)
  • Setting: Modern-day Earth
  • Factions: Global Defense Initiative (GDI), Brotherhood of Nod, Scrin
  • New features: Dynamic weather and destructible environments
  • Return of classic units and characters

New Command And Conquer 2024 is a highly anticipated game that is sure to please fans of the series. The game promises to deliver all the classic elements of Command & Conquer, with updated graphics and gameplay that will appeal to modern gamers.

Release date: 2024

New Command And Conquer 2024 is scheduled to be released in 2024. This is a highly anticipated game, as it is the first new Command & Conquer game in over a decade. EA Games has not yet announced a specific release date, but the game is expected to be released in the fall of 2024.

The release date of New Command And Conquer 2024 has been pushed back several times. The game was originally scheduled to be released in 2022, but was delayed to 2023. In 2023, the game was delayed again to 2024. EA Games has not given a reason for the delays, but it is likely due to the game’s ambitious scope and the challenges of developing a next-generation RTS game.

Despite the delays, fans of the Command & Conquer series are eagerly awaiting the release of New Command And Conquer 2024. The game promises to deliver all the classic elements of Command & Conquer, with updated graphics and gameplay that will appeal to modern gamers.

In the meantime, fans can stay up to date on the latest news and developments on the official Command & Conquer website.

New Command And Conquer 2024 is one of the most anticipated games of 2024. The game is sure to please fans of the series, and it is also likely to attract new fans to the franchise. With its updated graphics, gameplay, and features, New Command And Conquer 2024 is poised to be one of the best RTS games of the year.

Platforms: PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S

New Command And Conquer 2024 will be released on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S. This is the first Command & Conquer game to be released on consoles since Command & Conquer: Renegade in 2002.

  • PC

    New Command And Conquer 2024 will be released on PC via Steam, Origin, and the Epic Games Store.

  • PlayStation 5

    New Command And Conquer 2024 will be released on PlayStation 5 as a digital download from the PlayStation Store.

  • Xbox Series X/S

    New Command And Conquer 2024 will be released on Xbox Series X/S as a digital download from the Microsoft Store.

EA Games has not yet announced whether New Command And Conquer 2024 will support cross-play between different platforms. However, it is likely that the game will support cross-play between PC and Xbox Series X/S, as EA has done with other recent games such as Battlefield 2042.

The release of New Command And Conquer 2024 on consoles is a significant development for the series. It will allow the game to reach a wider audience and introduce the Command & Conquer franchise to a new generation of gamers.

Developer: EA Games

New Command And Conquer 2024 is being developed by EA Games. EA Games is a subsidiary of Electronic Arts, one of the largest video game publishers in the world. EA Games has developed and published some of the most popular video games in history, including the Command & Conquer series, The Sims series, and the Battlefield series.

EA Games has a long history of developing and publishing RTS games. In addition to the Command & Conquer series, EA Games has also developed and published other popular RTS games such as Red Alert, Dune II, and Tiberium Wars.

EA Games has a team of experienced developers who are passionate about the Command & Conquer series. The team is led by Jim Vessella, who was the lead designer on Command & Conquer: Generals and Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3.

EA Games is committed to making New Command And Conquer 2024 the best RTS game possible. The team is working hard to create a game that is both faithful to the classic Command & Conquer games and also appeals to modern gamers.

The development of New Command And Conquer 2024 is a major undertaking. EA Games is investing a significant amount of time and resources into the game. The team is confident that New Command And Conquer 2024 will be a worthy successor to the classic Command & Conquer games.

Publisher: EA Games

New Command And Conquer 2024 is being published by EA Games. EA Games is a subsidiary of Electronic Arts, one of the largest video game publishers in the world. EA Games has published some of the most popular video games in history, including the Command & Conquer series, The Sims series, and the Battlefield series.

EA Games has a long history of publishing RTS games. In addition to the Command & Conquer series, EA Games has also published other popular RTS games such as Red Alert, Dune II, and Tiberium Wars.

EA Games is committed to supporting the Command & Conquer series. The company is providing the development team with the resources and support it needs to create the best possible game.

EA Games is also committed to marketing and promoting New Command And Conquer 2024. The company is planning a major marketing campaign to reach as many gamers as possible.

The publishing of New Command And Conquer 2024 by EA Games is a major coup for the development team. EA Games has the resources and experience to help the team create the best possible game and reach the widest possible audience.

Genre: Real-time strategy (RTS)

New Command And Conquer 2024 is a real-time strategy (RTS) game. This means that players control their units in real time, and must make quick decisions in order to succeed.

RTS games are typically played from a top-down perspective. Players can zoom in and out to get a better view of the battlefield, and can use the mouse to select and control their units.

New Command And Conquer 2024 will feature all of the classic RTS gameplay elements, such as resource gathering, base building, and unit combat. The game will also introduce new features and innovations to the RTS genre.

For example, New Command And Conquer 2024 will feature a new dynamic weather system that can affect the gameplay. Rain and snow can slow down units and make it more difficult to see, while wind can affect the trajectory of projectiles.

New Command And Conquer 2024 is shaping up to be one of the most innovative and exciting RTS games in years. The game is sure to please fans of the classic Command & Conquer games, and it is also likely to attract new fans to the RTS genre.

Setting: Modern-day Earth

New Command And Conquer 2024 is set on modern-day Earth. This is a significant departure from previous Command & Conquer games, which were set in the future.

  • World War III

    New Command And Conquer 2024 takes place in the aftermath of World War III. The war has devastated the world, and the global economy has collapsed. In the chaos, three factions have emerged: the Global Defense Initiative (GDI), the Brotherhood of Nod, and the Scrin.

  • GDI

    The Global Defense Initiative is a multinational organization that is dedicated to maintaining peace and order in the world. GDI is well-funded and has access to the latest technology.

  • Brotherhood of Nod

    The Brotherhood of Nod is a terrorist organization that is led by the enigmatic Kane. Nod is dedicated to overthrowing GDI and establishing a new world order.

  • Scrin

    The Scrin are an alien race that has invaded Earth. The Scrin are technologically advanced and possess powerful weapons. Their motives are unknown.

The setting of New Command And Conquer 2024 is both familiar and้™Œ็”Ÿ. The game is set on Earth, but the world has been ravaged by war. The factions in the game are all familiar, but they have been changed by the events of World War III.

The setting of New Command And Conquer 2024 is sure to provide a fresh and exciting backdrop for the game’s story and gameplay.

Factions: Global Defense Initiative (GDI), Brotherhood of Nod, Scrin

New Command And Conquer 2024 will feature three playable factions: the Global Defense Initiative (GDI), the Brotherhood of Nod, and the Scrin.

The Global Defense Initiative is a multinational organization that is dedicated to maintaining peace and order in the world. GDI is well-funded and has access to the latest technology.

The Brotherhood of Nod is a terrorist organization that is led by the enigmatic Kane. Nod is dedicated to overthrowing GDI and establishing a new world order.

The Scrin are an alien race that has invaded Earth. The Scrin are technologically advanced and possess powerful weapons. Their motives are unknown.

Each faction in New Command And Conquer 2024 has its own unique strengths and weaknesses. GDI is a well-rounded faction with a strong focus on technology. Nod is a more aggressive faction with a focus on stealth and sabotage. The Scrin are a powerful faction with a unique set of units and abilities.

Players will be able to choose to play as any of the three factions in New Command And Conquer 2024. Each faction offers a different playstyle, so players can choose the faction that best suits their preferences.

New features: Dynamic weather and destructible environments

New Command And Conquer 2024 will introduce two new features to the RTS genre: dynamic weather and destructible environments.

  • Dynamic weather

    New Command And Conquer 2024 will feature a dynamic weather system that can affect the gameplay. Rain and snow can slow down units and make it more difficult to see, while wind can affect the trajectory of projectiles.

  • Destructible environments

    New Command And Conquer 2024 will also feature destructible environments. This means that players can use their units to destroy buildings and other objects on the map. This can be used to create new paths for units, or to deny resources to the enemy.

These two new features will add a new level of strategy and depth to New Command And Conquer 2024. Players will need to take the weather and the environment into account when planning their attacks and defenses.

For example, players may want to avoid attacking during a rainstorm, as the rain will slow down their units and make them more vulnerable to attack. Players may also want to use the destructible environment to their advantage, by destroying buildings to create new paths for their units or to deny resources to the enemy.

The dynamic weather and destructible environments in New Command And Conquer 2024 will add a new level of challenge and excitement to the game.

Return of classic units and characters

New Command And Conquer 2024 will feature the return of many classic units and characters from the Command & Conquer series.

  • GDI units

    Some of the classic GDI units that will be returning in New Command And Conquer 2024 include the Mammoth Tank, the Orca Bomber, and the Zone Trooper.

  • Nod units

    Some of the classic Nod units that will be returning in New Command And Conquer 2024 include the Stealth Tank, the Cyborg Commando, and the Avatar.

  • Scrin units

    Some of the classic Scrin units that will be returning in New Command And Conquer 2024 include the Tripod Walker, the Devastator Tank, and the Stormrider.

  • Classic characters

    Some of the classic characters that will be returning in New Command And Conquer 2024 include Kane, General Shepherd, and Dr. Mobius.

The return of classic units and characters in New Command And Conquer 2024 is sure to please fans of the series. These units and characters are iconic, and they have played a major role in the history of the Command & Conquer franchise.

The developers of New Command And Conquer 2024 have been careful to update the classic units and characters for the modern era. The units have been given new abilities and upgrades, and the characters have been given new dialogue and storylines.

The return of classic units and characters in New Command And Conquer 2024 is a sign that the developers are committed to respecting the legacy of the series while also bringing it into the future.


Here are some frequently asked questions about New Command And Conquer 2024:

Question 1: When is New Command And Conquer 2024 coming out?
Answer: New Command And Conquer 2024 is scheduled to be released in 2024.

Question 2: What platforms will New Command And Conquer 2024 be released on?
Answer: New Command And Conquer 2024 will be released on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S.

Question 3: Who is developing New Command And Conquer 2024?
Answer: New Command And Conquer 2024 is being developed by EA Games.

Question 4: Who is publishing New Command And Conquer 2024?
Answer: New Command And Conquer 2024 is being published by EA Games.

Question 5: What is the genre of New Command And Conquer 2024?
Answer: New Command And Conquer 2024 is a real-time strategy (RTS) game.

Question 6: What is the setting of New Command And Conquer 2024?
Answer: New Command And Conquer 2024 is set on modern-day Earth.

Question 7: What factions will be playable in New Command And Conquer 2024?
Answer: The playable factions in New Command And Conquer 2024 are the Global Defense Initiative (GDI), the Brotherhood of Nod, and the Scrin.

Question 8: What new features will be in New Command And Conquer 2024?
Answer: New features in New Command And Conquer 2024 include dynamic weather and destructible environments.

Question 9: Will New Command And Conquer 2024 feature classic units and characters?
Answer: Yes, New Command And Conquer 2024 will feature the return of many classic units and characters from the Command & Conquer series.

Closing Paragraph for FAQ

These are just a few of the frequently asked questions about New Command And Conquer 2024. For more information, please visit the official Command & Conquer website.

Now that you know more about New Command And Conquer 2024, here are a few tips to help you get started:


Here are a few tips to help you get started in New Command And Conquer 2024:

Tip 1: Manage your resources carefully. Resources are essential for building units and structures. Make sure to collect resources from all available sources, and use them wisely.

Tip 2: Build a strong economy. A strong economy will allow you to produce more units and structures, and give you a significant advantage in battle. Build refineries and power plants to generate resources, and protect them from enemy attacks.

Tip 3: Use the terrain to your advantage. The terrain in New Command And Conquer 2024 can be used to your advantage. Use hills and forests to provide cover for your units, and use rivers and cliffs to create natural barriers.

Tip 4: Don’t be afraid to experiment. New Command And Conquer 2024 offers a variety of units and strategies. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different combinations to find what works best for you.

Closing Paragraph for Tips

These are just a few tips to help you get started in New Command And Conquer 2024. With a little practice, you’ll be able to master the game and lead your faction to victory.

New Command And Conquer 2024 is a challenging and rewarding game. By following these tips, you can improve your chances of success and have a lot of fun along the way.


New Command And Conquer 2024 is a highly anticipated game that is sure to please fans of the series. The game promises to deliver all the classic elements of Command & Conquer, with updated graphics and gameplay that will appeal to modern gamers.

Here is a summary of the main points about New Command And Conquer 2024:

  • The game is scheduled to be released in 2024.
  • The game will be released on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S.
  • The game is being developed by EA Games and published by EA Games.
  • The game is a real-time strategy (RTS) game.
  • The game is set on modern-day Earth.
  • The game will feature three playable factions: the Global Defense Initiative (GDI), the Brotherhood of Nod, and the Scrin.
  • The game will introduce two new features to the RTS genre: dynamic weather and destructible environments.
  • The game will feature the return of many classic units and characters from the Command & Conquer series.

Closing Message

New Command And Conquer 2024 is shaping up to be one of the most ambitious and exciting RTS games in years. The game is sure to please fans of the classic Command & Conquer games, and it is also likely to attract new fans to the series. We can’t wait to see what EA Games has in store for us when New Command And Conquer 2024 is released.

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