Fall 2024 Utd Calendar

The Fall 2024 academic calendar for the University of Texas at Dallas (UTD) is now available online. The calendar provides important dates and deadlines for students, faculty, and staff for the upcoming academic year.

The first day of classes for the Fall 2024 semester is Monday, August 26, 2024. The semester will end on Friday, December 13, 2024. The final exam period will be from Monday, December 16, 2024, to Friday, December 20, 2024.

Fall 2024 Utd Calendar

Here are 10 important points about the Fall 2024 Utd Calendar:

  • First day of classes: Monday, August 26, 2024
  • Last day of classes: Friday, December 13, 2024
  • Final exam period: Monday, December 16, 2024, to Friday, December 20, 2024
  • Labor Day holiday: Monday, September 2, 2024
  • Thanksgiving holiday: Thursday, November 28, and Friday, November 29, 2024
  • Winter break begins: Friday, December 20, 2024
  • Spring 2025 semester begins: Monday, January 20, 2025
  • UTD Commencement: Saturday, May 10, 2025

For more information, please visit the UTD academic calendar website.

First day of classes: Monday, August 26, 2024

The first day of classes for the Fall 2024 semester at UTD is Monday, August 26, 2024. This is the date on which all undergraduate and graduate courses will begin meeting for the semester.

  • New student orientation: New students are required to attend orientation prior to the first day of classes. Orientation provides important information about UTD policies and procedures, as well as academic and student life resources.
  • Course registration: Students should register for their courses prior to the first day of classes. Course registration is done online through the UTD Student Center.
  • Textbooks and materials: Students should purchase their textbooks and other course materials prior to the first day of classes. Textbooks and materials can be purchased at the UTD Bookstore or online.
  • Class attendance: Students are expected to attend all of their classes, beginning on the first day of the semester. Class attendance is important for academic success.

Students should be prepared for the first day of classes by completing the following tasks:

  • Attend new student orientation (if applicable)
  • Register for courses
  • Purchase textbooks and materials
  • Familiarize yourself with the UTD campus
  • Get a good night’s sleep

Last day of classes: Friday, December 13, 2024

The last day of classes for the Fall 2024 semester at UTD is Friday, December 13, 2024. This is the date on which all undergraduate and graduate courses will meet for the final time during the semester.

  • Final exams: Final exams are typically held during the week following the last day of classes. Final exams are comprehensive exams that cover the material from the entire semester.
  • Study for finals: Students should begin studying for their final exams early. Studying for finals should begin at least two weeks prior to the first exam.
  • Review course materials: Students should review their course materials, including notes, textbooks, and handouts, in preparation for their final exams.
  • Get a good night’s sleep: Students should get a good night’s sleep before each final exam. Getting a good night’s sleep will help students to stay focused and perform their best on their exams.

Students should be prepared for the last day of classes and final exams by completing the following tasks:

  • Attend all classes leading up to the last day of classes
  • Study for final exams
  • Review course materials
  • Get a good night’s sleep before each final exam

Final exam period: Monday, December 16, 2024, to Friday, December 20, 2024

The final exam period for the Fall 2024 semester at UTD is from Monday, December 16, 2024, to Friday, December 20, 2024. During this period, all undergraduate and graduate courses will have their final exams.

Final exams are comprehensive exams that cover the material from the entire semester. Final exams are typically three hours long and are held during the time slot that is assigned to the course.

Students should begin studying for their final exams early. Studying for finals should begin at least two weeks prior to the first exam.

Students should review their course materials, including notes, textbooks, and handouts, in preparation for their final exams. Students should also practice answering exam questions and solving problems.

Students should get a good night’s sleep before each final exam. Getting a good night’s sleep will help students to stay focused and perform their best on their exams.

Students should arrive at their final exams on time and prepared. Students should bring their student ID, pens or pencils, and any other materials that are allowed for the exam.

Students should follow all instructions from the professor during the final exam. Students should not talk to other students or use any unauthorized materials during the exam.

Students who have any questions about their final exams should contact their professors.

Labor Day holiday: Monday, September 2, 2024

Labor Day is a federal holiday that is celebrated on the first Monday of September. In 2024, Labor Day will be celebrated on Monday, September 2.

Labor Day is a day to celebrate the contributions of workers to the United States economy. It is also a day to recognize the importance of unions and the labor movement.

On Labor Day, many businesses and schools are closed. Government offices are also closed on Labor Day.

UTD will be closed on Labor Day, September 2, 2024. Classes will not be held on this day, and all university offices will be closed.

Students and faculty can use Labor Day as a day to relax and spend time with family and friends. It is also a good day to reflect on the importance of workers and the labor movement.

Thanksgiving holiday: Thursday, November 28, and Friday, November 29, 2024

Thanksgiving is a federal holiday that is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. In 2024, Thanksgiving will be celebrated on Thursday, November 28.

  • Thanksgiving Day: Thanksgiving Day is a day to celebrate with family and friends. It is also a day to be grateful for all of the good things in our lives.
  • Black Friday: The day after Thanksgiving is known as Black Friday. Black Friday is a popular shopping day, and many stores offer special sales and discounts.
  • UTD closure: UTD will be closed on Thanksgiving Day and Black Friday, November 28-29, 2024. Classes will not be held on these days, and all university offices will be closed.
  • Thanksgiving break: Thanksgiving break is a good time for students to relax and spend time with family and friends. It is also a good time to catch up on schoolwork or to start studying for final exams.

Students and faculty can use Thanksgiving break to relax and recharge for the rest of the semester.

Winter break begins: Friday, December 20, 2024

Winter break is a period of time when classes are not held and the university is closed. Winter break typically begins after the final exam period and ends before the start of the spring semester.

  • UTD closure: UTD will be closed from Friday, December 20, 2024, to Sunday, January 5, 2025. During this time, all university offices will be closed and classes will not be held.
  • Holiday celebrations: Winter break is a time when many people celebrate holidays such as Christmas and Hanukkah. It is also a time to spend time with family and friends.
  • Travel: Many people use winter break to travel. This is a good time to visit family and friends who live far away or to take a vacation.
  • Rest and relaxation: Winter break is also a good time to rest and relax. Students can use this time to catch up on sleep, spend time with loved ones, or pursue hobbies.

Students and faculty can use winter break to relax and recharge for the spring semester.

Spring 2025 semester begins: Monday, January 20, 2025

The Spring 2025 semester at UTD will begin on Monday, January 20, 2025. This is the date on which all undergraduate and graduate courses will begin meeting for the semester.

  • New student orientation: New students are required to attend orientation prior to the first day of classes. Orientation provides important information about UTD policies and procedures, as well as academic and student life resources.
  • Course registration: Students should register for their courses prior to the first day of classes. Course registration is done online through the UTD Student Center.
  • Textbooks and materials: Students should purchase their textbooks and other course materials prior to the first day of classes. Textbooks and materials can be purchased at the UTD Bookstore or online.
  • Class attendance: Students are expected to attend all of their classes, beginning on the first day of the semester. Class attendance is important for academic success.

Students should be prepared for the first day of classes by completing the following tasks:

  • Attend new student orientation (if applicable)
  • Register for courses
  • Purchase textbooks and materials
  • Familiarize yourself with the UTD campus
  • Get a good night’s sleep

UTD Commencement: Saturday, May 10, 2025

UTD Commencement is the annual ceremony where the university celebrates its graduating students. Commencement is typically held in May at the end of the spring semester.

  • Eligibility: All students who have completed the requirements for their degree are eligible to participate in Commencement.
  • Ceremony details: The Commencement ceremony includes speeches from university leaders, the presentation of diplomas, and the conferral of degrees. The ceremony is typically held outdoors on the UTD campus.
  • Regalia: Graduates are required to wear academic regalia at Commencement. Academic regalia includes a cap, gown, and hood.
  • Tickets: Graduates are given a limited number of tickets for guests to attend Commencement. Guests must have a ticket to enter the ceremony.

Commencement is a special day for graduates and their families. It is a day to celebrate the accomplishments of the graduates and to wish them well as they embark on the next chapter of their lives.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the Fall 2024 UTD Calendar:

Question 1: When does the Fall 2024 semester begin?
Answer 1: The Fall 2024 semester begins on Monday, August 26, 2024.

Question 2: When does the Fall 2024 semester end?
Answer 2: The Fall 2024 semester ends on Friday, December 13, 2024.

Question 3: When is the final exam period for the Fall 2024 semester?
Answer 3: The final exam period for the Fall 2024 semester is from Monday, December 16, 2024, to Friday, December 20, 2024.

Question 4: When is Labor Day in 2024?
Answer 4: Labor Day is on Monday, September 2, 2024.

Question 5: When is Thanksgiving break in 2024?
Answer 5: Thanksgiving break is from Thursday, November 28, to Friday, November 29, 2024.

Question 6: When does winter break begin in 2024?
Answer 6: Winter break begins on Friday, December 20, 2024.

Question 7: When does the Spring 2025 semester begin?
Answer 7: The Spring 2025 semester begins on Monday, January 20, 2025.

Question 8: When is UTD Commencement in 2025?
Answer 8: UTD Commencement is on Saturday, May 10, 2025.

If you have any other questions about the Fall 2024 UTD Calendar, please visit the UTD academic calendar website.

Now that you know the important dates for the Fall 2024 semester, here are a few tips to help you plan your schedule:


Here are a few tips to help you plan your schedule for the Fall 2024 semester:

Tip 1: Start planning early. The earlier you start planning your schedule, the more options you will have. Start by looking at the course catalog and identifying the courses you need to take. Then, use the UTD course scheduler to create a tentative schedule.

Tip 2: Be flexible. It is unlikely that you will be able to get your ideal schedule. Be prepared to make some compromises. For example, you may need to take a class at a different time or on a different day than you originally wanted.

Tip 3: Take advantage of resources. The UTD academic advising office can help you create a schedule that meets your needs. The office can also provide you with information about course offerings and registration procedures.

Tip 4: Don’t forget to register for classes. Once you have created a schedule, you need to register for classes. Registration begins in April for the Fall semester. You can register for classes online through the UTD Student Center.

By following these tips, you can plan a schedule that meets your needs and helps you succeed in your studies.

Now that you have planned your schedule, you are ready to start the Fall 2024 semester!


The Fall 2024 UTD Calendar is now available online. The calendar provides important dates and deadlines for students, faculty, and staff for the upcoming academic year.

Some of the key dates for the Fall 2024 semester include:

  • First day of classes: Monday, August 26, 2024
  • Last day of classes: Friday, December 13, 2024
  • Final exam period: Monday, December 16, 2024, to Friday, December 20, 2024
  • Labor Day holiday: Monday, September 2, 2024
  • Thanksgiving holiday: Thursday, November 28, and Friday, November 29, 2024
  • Winter break begins: Friday, December 20, 2024
  • Spring 2025 semester begins: Monday, January 20, 2025
  • UTD Commencement: Saturday, May 10, 2025

Students should use the Fall 2024 UTD Calendar to plan their schedules and to stay on track for graduation. The calendar is available online at the UTD academic calendar website.

We hope that the Fall 2024 UTD Calendar will be a helpful resource for students, faculty, and staff. We wish everyone a successful and productive academic year.

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