Civ 6 Tier List 2024

The latest update to Civilization VI, the New Frontier Pass, has brought about a number of changes to the game’s balance. As a result, some civilizations are now stronger than others. This tier list will help you choose the best civilization for your next game.

The tier list is divided into four tiers: S-tier, A-tier, B-tier, and C-tier. S-tier civilizations are the strongest in the game, while C-tier civilizations are the weakest. The civilizations within each tier are ranked from best to worst.

Civ 6 Tier List 2024

The Civ 6 Tier List 2024 is a ranking of the civilizations in the game Civilization VI. The list is based on the strength of each civilization in various aspects of the game, such as military, science, culture, and religion.

  • S-tier: Strongest civilizations
  • A-tier: Very strong civilizations
  • B-tier: Good civilizations
  • C-tier: Weaker civilizations
  • 9 civilizations in total
  • Based on game balance
  • Updated for 2024
  • Helps choose best civilization
  • For experienced and new players

The tier list can be used by both experienced and new players to help them choose the best civilization for their next game.

### S-tier: Strongest civilizations
The S-tier civilizations in Civ 6 are the strongest civilizations in the game. They have a number of advantages over the other civilizations, such as powerful unique abilities, strong units, and access to unique resources.
**1. Rome**
Rome is one of the best civilizations for conquering other civilizations. Their unique ability, “Legion”, gives their Legions a +10 combat strength bonus when fighting on hills. This bonus makes Rome’s Legions some of the strongest units in the game, and it can be used to great effect to conquer other civilizations.
**2. Scythia**
Scythia is a great civilization for domination victory. Their unique ability, “Horse Archer”, gives their Horse Archers a +1 range bonus. This bonus makes Scythia’s Horse Archers one of the most powerful units in the game, and it can be used to great effect to harass and defeat enemy units.
**3. Macedon**
Macedon is a great civilization for science victory. Their unique ability, “Hellenistic Wonder”, gives them a +20% production bonus towards Wonders. This bonus makes Macedon one of the best civilizations for building Wonders, and it can be used to great effect to gain a significant advantage in the science race.
**4. Kongo**
Kongo is a great civilization for religious victory. Their unique ability, “Nkisi”, gives them a +10% religious pressure bonus for each Holy Site they build. This bonus makes Kongo one of the best civilizations for spreading religion, and it can be used to great effect to convert other civilizations to your religion.
### Paragraph after details
The S-tier civilizations are all very strong, and they can be used to great effect to win any type of victory. If you are looking for a civilization that will give you a significant advantage in your next game, then you should consider choosing one of the S-tier civilizations.### A-tier: Very strong civilizations
The A-tier civilizations in Civ 6 are very strong civilizations, but they are not quite as strong as the S-tier civilizations. They have some advantages over the B-tier and C-tier civilizations, but they do not have the same level of power as the S-tier civilizations.
**1. England**
England is a great civilization for domination victory. Their unique ability, “Royal Navy”, gives their naval units a +10% combat strength bonus. This bonus makes England’s navy one of the strongest in the game, and it can be used to great effect to conquer other civilizations.
**2. Khmer**
Khmer is a great civilization for religious victory. Their unique ability, “Grand Barays”, gives them a +15% food bonus for each Holy Site they build adjacent to a river. This bonus makes Khmer one of the best civilizations for building Holy Sites, and it can be used to great effect to generate a lot of food and support a large population.
**3. Japan**
Japan is a great civilization for science victory. Their unique ability, “Meiji Restoration”, gives them a +10% science bonus for each district they build adjacent to a mountain. This bonus makes Japan one of the best civilizations for building districts, and it can be used to great effect to gain a significant advantage in the science race.
**4. Persia**
Persia is a great civilization for cultural victory. Their unique ability, “Satrapies”, gives them a +15% culture bonus for each city they own on a different continent. This bonus makes Persia one of the best civilizations for expanding their empire and spreading their culture, and it can be used to great effect to win a cultural victory.
### Paragraph after details
The A-tier civilizations are all very strong, and they can be used to great effect to win any type of victory. If you are looking for a civilization that will give you a significant advantage in your next game, then you should consider choosing one of the A-tier civilizations.### B-tier: Good civilizations
The B-tier civilizations in Civ 6 are good civilizations, but they are not as strong as the S-tier and A-tier civilizations. They have some advantages over the C-tier civilizations, but they do not have the same level of power as the S-tier and A-tier civilizations.
**1. America**
America is a great civilization for domination victory. Their unique ability, “Manifest Destiny”, gives them a +10% combat strength bonus for each unit they have on a different continent. This bonus makes America one of the best civilizations for conquering other continents, and it can be used to great effect to build a large and powerful empire.
**2. China**
China is a great civilization for science victory. Their unique ability, “Great Wall”, gives them a +15% production bonus towards Wonders. This bonus makes China one of the best civilizations for building Wonders, and it can be used to great effect to gain a significant advantage in the science race.
**3. France**
France is a great civilization for cultural victory. Their unique ability, “Grand Siรจcle”, gives them a +15% culture bonus for each city they own with a Great Work of Art or Writing. This bonus makes France one of the best civilizations for generating culture, and it can be used to great effect to win a cultural victory.
**4. Germany**
Germany is a great civilization for domination victory. Their unique ability, “Prussian Militarism”, gives them a +10% production bonus towards military units. This bonus makes Germany one of the best civilizations for building a large and powerful military, and it can be used to great effect to conquer other civilizations.
### Paragraph after details
The B-tier civilizations are all good civilizations, and they can be used to great effect to win any type of victory. If you are looking for a civilization that is strong, but not overpowered, then you should consider choosing one of the B-tier civilizations.### C-tier: Weaker civilizations

The C-tier civilizations in Civ 6 are the weakest civilizations in the game. They do not have any major advantages over the other civilizations, and they may even have some disadvantages.

  • Australia

    Australia’s unique ability, “Outback Station”, is not very useful. It gives Australia a +25% production bonus towards Pastures and Camps, but these bonuses are not very significant. Australia also has a weak unique unit, the Digger, which is not as strong as other unique units in the game.

  • Brazil

    Brazil’s unique ability, “Carnival”, is not very useful. It gives Brazil a +10% culture bonus for each Rainforest tile they own, but this bonus is not very significant. Brazil also has a weak unique unit, the Minas Geraes, which is not as strong as other unique units in the game.

  • Egypt

    Egypt’s unique ability, “Monument to the Gods”, is not very useful. It gives Egypt a +15% production bonus towards Wonders, but this bonus is not very significant. Egypt also has a weak unique unit, the War Chariot, which is not as strong as other unique units in the game.

  • India

    India’s unique ability, “Dharma”, is not very useful. It gives India a +10% science bonus for each Holy Site they build, but this bonus is not very significant. India also has a weak unique unit, the Varu, which is not as strong as other unique units in the game.

The C-tier civilizations are not very strong, but they can still be used to win a game of Civ 6. However, you will need to be more careful with your strategy and you may need to rely on alliances with other civilizations to succeed.

### 9 civilizations in total

The Civ 6 Tier List 2024 includes a total of 9 civilizations. These civilizations are divided into four tiers: S-tier, A-tier, B-tier, and C-tier. The S-tier civilizations are the strongest civilizations in the game, while the C-tier civilizations are the weakest.

The 9 civilizations in the Civ 6 Tier List 2024 are:

  • S-tier: Rome, Scythia, Macedon, Kongo
  • A-tier: England, Khmer, Japan, Persia
  • B-tier: America, China, France, Germany
  • C-tier: Australia, Brazil, Egypt, India

The Civ 6 Tier List 2024 is based on the strength of each civilization in various aspects of the game, such as military, science, culture, and religion. The list can be used by both experienced and new players to help them choose the best civilization for their next game.

### Based on game balance

The Civ 6 Tier List 2024 is based on the game balance of the latest update to Civilization VI, the New Frontier Pass. The New Frontier Pass has made a number of changes to the game’s balance, and these changes have affected the strength of the different civilizations.

The Civ 6 Tier List 2024 takes into account all of the changes made in the New Frontier Pass. The list is based on the strength of each civilization in various aspects of the game, such as military, science, culture, and religion.

The Civ 6 Tier List 2024 is designed to help players choose the best civilization for their next game. The list can be used by both experienced and new players.

The Civ 6 Tier List 2024 is not a definitive ranking of the civilizations in the game. The strength of each civilization can vary depending on the game mode, the map settings, and the player’s skill level. However, the list can provide a good starting point for players who are looking to choose a strong civilization for their next game.

### Updated for 2024

The Civ 6 Tier List 2024 is updated for the latest version of the game, which includes the New Frontier Pass. The New Frontier Pass has made a number of changes to the game’s balance, and these changes have affected the strength of the different civilizations.

The Civ 6 Tier List 2024 takes into account all of the changes made in the New Frontier Pass. The list is based on the strength of each civilization in various aspects of the game, such as military, science, culture, and religion.

The Civ 6 Tier List 2024 is designed to help players choose the best civilization for their next game. The list can be used by both experienced and new players.

The Civ 6 Tier List 2024 is not a definitive ranking of the civilizations in the game. The strength of each civilization can vary depending on the game mode, the map settings, and the player’s skill level. However, the list can provide a good starting point for players who are looking to choose a strong civilization for their next game.

### Helps choose best civilization

The Civ 6 Tier List 2024 is designed to help players choose the best civilization for their next game. The list is based on the strength of each civilization in various aspects of the game, such as military, science, culture, and religion.

The Civ 6 Tier List 2024 can be used by both experienced and new players. Experienced players can use the list to help them choose a civilization that matches their playstyle and goals. New players can use the list to help them choose a civilization that is easy to learn and play.

The Civ 6 Tier List 2024 is not a definitive ranking of the civilizations in the game. The strength of each civilization can vary depending on the game mode, the map settings, and the player’s skill level. However, the list can provide a good starting point for players who are looking to choose a strong civilization for their next game.

Here are some tips for choosing the best civilization for your next game:

  • Consider your playstyle. Do you prefer to play aggressively, defensively, or diplomatically? Some civilizations are better suited for certain playstyles than others.
  • Consider the game mode. Some civilizations are better suited for certain game modes than others. For example, civilizations with strong navies are well-suited for naval maps.
  • Consider the map settings. Some civilizations are better suited for certain map settings than others. For example, civilizations with strong cavalry units are well-suited for maps with lots of open land.
  • Consider your skill level. Some civilizations are easier to learn and play than others. New players may want to choose a civilization that is easy to learn, while experienced players may want to choose a civilization that is more challenging.

### For experienced and new players

The Civ 6 Tier List 2024 is designed to help both experienced and new players choose the best civilization for their next game.

**Experienced players** can use the list to help them choose a civilization that matches their playstyle and goals. For example, an experienced player who prefers to play aggressively may want to choose a civilization with a strong military. An experienced player who prefers to play diplomatically may want to choose a civilization with a strong diplomatic game.

**New players** can use the list to help them choose a civilization that is easy to learn and play. The civilizations in the A-tier and B-tier are generally easier to learn and play than the civilizations in the S-tier and C-tier.

Here are some additional tips for experienced and new players:

  • **Experienced players:** If you are an experienced player, you may want to experiment with different civilizations to find one that suits your playstyle. You may also want to try playing on different difficulty levels to challenge yourself.
  • **New players:** If you are a new player, I recommend starting with a civilization in the A-tier or B-tier. These civilizations are generally easier to learn and play. You may also want to play on a lower difficulty level until you get the hang of the game.

### FAQ

Here are some frequently asked questions about the Civ 6 Tier List 2024:

Question: What is the Civ 6 Tier List 2024?
Answer: The Civ 6 Tier List 2024 is a ranking of the civilizations in the game Civilization VI. The list is based on the strength of each civilization in various aspects of the game, such as military, science, culture, and religion.

Question: How is the Civ 6 Tier List 2024 determined?
Answer: The Civ 6 Tier List 2024 is determined by taking into account all of the changes made in the latest update to the game, the New Frontier Pass. The list is based on the strength of each civilization in various aspects of the game, such as military, science, culture, and religion.

Question: Which civilization is the best in Civ 6?
Answer: The best civilization in Civ 6 depends on the game mode, the map settings, and the player’s skill level. However, the S-tier civilizations are generally considered to be the strongest civilizations in the game.

Question: Which civilization is the easiest to play in Civ 6?
Answer: The easiest civilization to play in Civ 6 is a matter of opinion. However, the civilizations in the A-tier and B-tier are generally considered to be easier to learn and play than the civilizations in the S-tier and C-tier.

Question: Can the Civ 6 Tier List 2024 help me win games?
Answer: The Civ 6 Tier List 2024 can help you choose a strong civilization for your next game. However, the strength of each civilization can vary depending on the game mode, the map settings, and the player’s skill level. The tier list can provide a good starting point for players who are looking to choose a strong civilization, but it is not a guarantee of victory.

Question: Is the Civ 6 Tier List 2024 updated regularly?
Answer: Yes, the Civ 6 Tier List 2024 is updated regularly to reflect the latest changes to the game. The list is updated whenever a new update or expansion is released for the game.

### Closing Paragraph for FAQ
I hope this FAQ has answered some of your questions about the Civ 6 Tier List 2024. If you have any other questions, please feel free to leave a comment below.
### Transition paragraph from FAQ section to tips section
Now that you know more about the Civ 6 Tier List 2024, here are some tips to help you use the list to your advantage:
### Tips

Here are some tips to help you use the Civ 6 Tier List 2024 to your advantage:

**Consider your playstyle.** Do you prefer to play aggressively, defensively, or diplomatically? Some civilizations are better suited for certain playstyles than others. For example, the Scythians are a great civilization for aggressive playstyles, while the Kongo are a great civilization for diplomatic playstyles.

**Consider the game mode.** Some civilizations are better suited for certain game modes than others. For example, civilizations with strong navies are well-suited for naval maps, while civilizations with strong cavalry units are well-suited for maps with lots of open land.

**Consider the map settings.** Some civilizations are better suited for certain map settings than others. For example, civilizations with strong early game units are well-suited for maps with lots of early game resources, while civilizations with strong late game units are well-suited for maps with lots of late game resources.

**Don’t be afraid to experiment.** The Civ 6 Tier List 2024 is a good starting point for choosing a civilization, but it is not a definitive ranking. The strength of each civilization can vary depending on the game mode, the map settings, and the player’s skill level. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different civilizations to find one that suits your playstyle.

### Closing Paragraph for Tips
I hope these tips have helped you learn how to use the Civ 6 Tier List 2024 to your advantage. Remember, the tier list is just a guide. The best way to learn how to play Civ 6 is to experiment with different civilizations and find one that suits your playstyle.
### Transition paragraph from tips section to conclusion section
Now that you know how to use the Civ 6 Tier List 2024, you’re ready to start playing the game. Good luck, and have fun!
### Conclusion
The Civ 6 Tier List 2024 is a ranking of the civilizations in the game Civilization VI. The list is based on the strength of each civilization in various aspects of the game, such as military, science, culture, and religion. The tier list can be used by both experienced and new players to help them choose the best civilization for their next game.
The main points of the Civ 6 Tier List 2024 are as follows:
* The S-tier civilizations are the strongest civilizations in the game.
* The A-tier civilizations are very strong civilizations, but they are not as strong as the S-tier civilizations.
* The B-tier civilizations are good civilizations, but they are not as strong as the S-tier and A-tier civilizations.
* The C-tier civilizations are the weakest civilizations in the game.
* The tier list is based on the latest update to the game, the New Frontier Pass.
* The tier list can be used by both experienced and new players.
I hope this article has helped you learn more about the Civ 6 Tier List 2024. If you have any other questions, please feel free to leave a comment below.
### Closing Message
Thank you for reading! I hope you found this article helpful. Good luck in your next game of Civ 6!

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