Best Phone Gimbal 2024

In today’s digital age, capturing high-quality videos has become more accessible than ever thanks to the proliferation of smartphones. However, smartphone cameras often struggle to provide stability, resulting in shaky and uneven footage. Enter the phone gimbal, an indispensable device that stabilizes your phone while shooting videos, ensuring buttery-smooth and professional-looking results.

With the increasing demand for phone gimbals, the market has become flooded with various options. To help you make an informed decision, we have curated this comprehensive guide to the best phone gimbals available in 2024, taking into account factors such as stabilization performance, battery life, compatibility, and overall value for money.

As we delve into the world of phone gimbals, let’s first understand how they work and why they are highly beneficial for videographers.

Best Phone Gimbal 2024

Choosing the right phone gimbal can significantly enhance your videography experience. Here are 10 important points to consider when selecting the best phone gimbal for your needs:

  • 3-axis stabilization
  • Smooth pan and tilt
  • Long battery life
  • Wide compatibility
  • Easy to use
  • Portable and lightweight
  • Additional features
  • Value for money
  • Brand reputation
  • Customer reviews

By keeping these factors in mind, you can make an informed decision and choose the best phone gimbal that meets your specific requirements.

3-axis stabilization

3-axis stabilization is a crucial feature to look for when choosing a phone gimbal. It refers to the gimbal’s ability to stabilize your phone along three axes: pan, tilt, and roll. This ensures that your footage remains smooth and stable, even when you are moving or shooting in challenging conditions.

  • Pan axis: Controls the left-to-right movement of your phone.
  • Tilt axis: Controls the up-and-down movement of your phone.
  • Roll axis: Controls the rotation of your phone around its forward axis.
  • Combined effect: By stabilizing along all three axes, the gimbal eliminates unwanted camera shake and vibrations, resulting in professional-looking videos.

Gimbal stabilizers use a combination of motors, sensors, and algorithms to achieve 3-axis stabilization. The motors rotate the phone to counteract any movement, while the sensors detect and measure the movement in real time. The algorithms then adjust the motors’ speed and direction to maintain a stable image.

Smooth pan and tilt

Smooth pan and tilt movements are essential for creating professional-looking videos. A good phone gimbal should provide precise control over the panning and tilting of your phone, allowing you to capture smooth and cinematic shots.

Panning refers to the horizontal movement of the camera, while tilting refers to the vertical movement. When combined, panning and tilting allow you to create dynamic and engaging videos by following your subject or capturing sweeping landscapes.

To achieve smooth pan and tilt movements, phone gimbals use a combination of motors, gears, and algorithms. The motors rotate the phone along the pan and tilt axes, while the gears ensure precise and controlled movement. The algorithms work in conjunction with the motors and gears to eliminate any unwanted vibrations or jitters.

Some phone gimbals also offer additional features to enhance the smoothness of pan and tilt movements. For example, some gimbals have a “follow mode” that automatically keeps the camera centered on a selected subject, while others offer adjustable speed settings for panning and tilting.

Overall, smooth pan and tilt movements are crucial for capturing professional-looking videos with a phone gimbal. When choosing a phone gimbal, pay attention to the quality of the motors, gears, and algorithms used for pan and tilt control, as well as any additional features that can enhance the smoothness of your shots.

Long battery life

Battery life is a crucial consideration when choosing a phone gimbal, especially if you plan on using it for extended periods or in remote locations where charging opportunities may be limited.

Phone gimbals typically use rechargeable lithium-ion batteries, which offer a good balance of capacity and weight. The battery capacity is measured in milliamp-hours (mAh), and higher mAh ratings indicate longer battery life.

The battery life of a phone gimbal depends on several factors, including the size and power of the motors, the efficiency of the algorithms, and the presence of additional features such as a built-in display or wireless connectivity.

Most phone gimbals offer battery life ranging from 6 to 12 hours on a single charge. However, it’s important to note that actual battery life may vary depending on usage patterns and environmental conditions.

To maximize battery life, consider the following tips:

  • Turn off the gimbal when not in use.
  • Avoid using the gimbal in extreme temperatures.
  • Charge the gimbal fully before each use.
  • Carry a spare battery if you plan on shooting for extended periods.

Wide compatibility

Wide compatibility is an important factor to consider when choosing a phone gimbal, especially if you own multiple devices or plan on upgrading your phone in the future.

Phone gimbals vary in their compatibility with different phone models and sizes. Some gimbals are designed to work with a specific range of phones, while others offer wider compatibility across multiple brands and models.

When assessing the compatibility of a phone gimbal, pay attention to the following factors:

  • Phone size: Make sure the gimbal can accommodate the size of your phone, both with and without a case.
  • Phone model: Check if the gimbal is compatible with the specific model of your phone.
  • Operating system: Some gimbals may require a specific operating system version to function properly.
  • App support: Most phone gimbals require a companion app to control the gimbal and access additional features. Make sure the app is available for your phone’s operating system.

Wide compatibility ensures that you can use the same gimbal with multiple devices or upgrade your phone without having to purchase a new gimbal.

To ensure compatibility, it’s always a good idea to check the manufacturer’s website or product specifications before purchasing a phone gimbal.

Easy to use

Ease of use is a crucial factor to consider when choosing a phone gimbal, especially if you are new to using gimbals or prefer a hassle-free experience.

Phone gimbals vary in their complexity and user-friendliness. Some gimbals require extensive setup and calibration, while others offer a more intuitive and straightforward experience.

When assessing the ease of use of a phone gimbal, pay attention to the following factors:

  • Setup and calibration: Look for gimbals that offer quick and easy setup and calibration processes.
  • Control layout: The gimbal should have a well-designed control layout that is easy to understand and use.
  • App interface: If the gimbal requires a companion app, make sure the app is user-friendly and provides clear instructions.
  • Learning curve: The gimbal should have a short learning curve, allowing you to start using it effectively in a short amount of time.

An easy-to-use phone gimbal can greatly enhance your videography experience, allowing you to focus on capturing great shots without getting bogged down by complex controls or technical difficulties.

To ensure ease of use, consider reading reviews from other users and watching video tutorials before purchasing a phone gimbal.

Portable and lightweight

Portability and lightness are essential factors to consider when choosing a phone gimbal, especially if you plan on using it while traveling or shooting on the go.

  • Compact size: Look for gimbals that are small and compact, making them easy to carry in a backpack or bag.
  • Foldable design: Some gimbals offer foldable designs, which further reduce their size and make them even more portable.
  • Lightweight: Choose a gimbal that is lightweight, reducing strain on your arms and wrists during extended use.
  • Counterweights: Some gimbals require counterweights to balance heavier phones. Make sure the counterweights are easy to attach and remove, and that they don’t add too much weight to the overall setup.

A portable and lightweight phone gimbal allows you to capture stable and smooth footage without the burden of carrying heavy or bulky equipment.

Additional features

In addition to the core features discussed earlier, some phone gimbals offer a range of additional features that can enhance your videography experience.

These additional features may include:

  • Object tracking: Allows the gimbal to automatically track and follow a selected subject, keeping it in the center of the frame.
  • Time-lapse and motion-lapse modes: Captures a series of still images at set intervals and combines them into a time-lapse or motion-lapse video.
  • Panorama mode: Captures a wide-angle panoramic image by stitching together multiple shots.
  • Built-in fill light: Provides additional illumination for shooting in low-light conditions.
  • Wireless connectivity: Allows you to control the gimbal remotely using a smartphone app or Bluetooth remote.

While additional features can enhance the functionality of a phone gimbal, it’s important to consider your specific needs and budget when evaluating these features.

If you frequently shoot videos of moving subjects or require advanced features such as time-lapse or object tracking, then a gimbal with these capabilities may be a worthwhile investment. However, if you primarily need a gimbal for basic stabilization and smooth panning and tilting, then a more basic model may suffice.

Value for money

When choosing a phone gimbal, it’s important to consider the value for money it offers. This involves assessing the features, performance, and durability of the gimbal in relation to its price.

Here are some factors to consider when evaluating the value for money of a phone gimbal:

  • Features: Make sure the gimbal offers the features that are important to you, such as 3-axis stabilization, smooth pan and tilt, and any additional features you may need.
  • Performance: The gimbal should perform well in terms of stabilization, responsiveness, and battery life.
  • Durability: The gimbal should be made of high-quality materials and have a sturdy construction to withstand regular use and potential wear and tear.
  • Price: The price of the gimbal should be commensurate with its features, performance, and durability.

It’s worth noting that the most expensive gimbal is not necessarily the best value for money. There are many affordable gimbals that offer excellent performance and features, while some high-priced gimbals may not be worth the extra investment.

To get the best value for money, research different gimbals, read reviews from other users, and consider your specific needs and budget. By doing so, you can find a phone gimbal that provides the best balance of features, performance, durability, and price.

Brand reputation

When choosing a phone gimbal, it’s worth considering the reputation of the brand. A reputable brand is more likely to produce high-quality products with good customer support.

Here are some factors to consider when evaluating the brand reputation of a phone gimbal:

  • Customer reviews: Read reviews from other users to get an idea of their experiences with the brand’s products.
  • Industry recognition: Check if the brand has received any awards or recognition for its gimbals.
  • Company history: Research the brand’s history and track record in the industry.
  • Customer support: Make sure the brand offers reliable and responsive customer support in case you encounter any issues with the gimbal.

A reputable brand is more likely to stand behind its products and provide ongoing support, giving you peace of mind and ensuring a positive user experience.

While brand reputation is an important factor to consider, it’s not the only factor. You should also evaluate the features, performance, and value for money of the gimbal itself. By considering all of these factors together, you can make an informed decision and choose the best phone gimbal for your needs.

Customer reviews

Customer reviews are a valuable source of information when choosing a phone gimbal. They provide firsthand accounts of the product’s performance, features, and overall user experience.

  • Unbiased feedback: Customer reviews are typically unbiased and provide honest opinions about the product, unlike marketing materials or advertisements.
  • Real-world experiences: Reviews offer insights into how the gimbal performs in real-world scenarios, such as different shooting conditions and use cases.
  • Common issues: Reviews can highlight common problems or limitations of the gimbal, helping you make an informed decision.
  • Specific details: Customers often provide detailed feedback on specific aspects of the gimbal, such as stabilization performance, battery life, and ease of use.

When reading customer reviews, pay attention to the following:

  • Verified purchases: Look for reviews from customers who have actually purchased the product.
  • Detailed reviews: Favor reviews that provide specific details and examples rather than general statements.
  • Multiple sources: Read reviews from multiple sources, such as the manufacturer’s website, e-commerce platforms, and social media.

By carefully considering customer reviews, you can gain valuable insights into the pros and cons of a phone gimbal and make a more informed purchase decision.


Here are some frequently asked questions about phone gimbals:

Question 1: Why should I use a phone gimbal?

Answer 1: Phone gimbals stabilize your phone while shooting videos, eliminating camera shake and vibrations. This results in smooth, professional-looking footage.

Question 2: What are the key features to look for in a phone gimbal?

Answer 2: Key features to consider include 3-axis stabilization, smooth pan and tilt, long battery life, wide compatibility, ease of use, portability and lightness, additional features, value for money, and brand reputation.

Question 3: How do I choose the right phone gimbal for my needs?

Answer 3: Consider your shooting style, the size and weight of your phone, the features you need, and your budget. Read customer reviews and compare different gimbals to find the one that best meets your requirements.

Question 4: How do I use a phone gimbal effectively?

Answer 4: Practice using the gimbal to familiarize yourself with its controls and features. Experiment with different shooting modes and settings to find what works best for your videos. Use a tripod or other support for added stability when needed.

Question 5: How do I care for and maintain my phone gimbal?

Answer 5: Store the gimbal in a dry and dust-free environment. Clean the exterior with a soft cloth and avoid using harsh chemicals. Calibrate the gimbal regularly to ensure optimal performance.

Question 6: What are some tips for getting the most out of my phone gimbal?

Answer 6: Use the gimbal’s object tracking feature to keep your subject in focus. Explore creative shooting modes like time-lapse and panorama. Experiment with different angles and perspectives to add interest to your videos. Share your gimbal footage with others and seek feedback to improve your videography skills.

Question 7: How do I troubleshoot common problems with phone gimbals?

Answer 7: If your gimbal is not stabilizing properly, check if the motors are working correctly and if the gimbal is calibrated. Make sure the phone is securely mounted on the gimbal and that the counterweights are balanced (if applicable). If you encounter any other issues, refer to the gimbal’s user manual or contact the manufacturer for support.

These FAQs should help you learn more about phone gimbals and make informed decisions when choosing and using one.

In addition to the FAQs, here are some additional tips to help you capture stunning videos with your phone gimbal:


Here are some practical tips to help you capture stunning videos with your phone gimbal:

Tip 1: Master the basics: Before you start shooting complex shots, practice using the gimbal’s basic functions, such as panning, tilting, and following subjects. This will help you develop a solid foundation and improve your control over the gimbal.

Tip 2: Experiment with different shooting modes: Most phone gimbals offer a variety of shooting modes, such as time-lapse, panorama, and object tracking. Experiment with these modes to add creativity and diversity to your videos. For example, time-lapse can condense hours of footage into a short, dynamic video, while object tracking can keep your subject in focus as you move around.

Tip 3: Pay attention to composition and lighting: While the gimbal helps stabilize your footage, it’s still important to pay attention to composition and lighting. Consider the rule of thirds, leading lines, and natural light sources to create visually appealing shots. Experiment with different angles and perspectives to add interest to your videos.

Tip 4: Use the gimbal’s additional features: Many phone gimbals offer additional features, such as built-in fill lights, wireless connectivity, and companion apps. Explore these features and learn how to use them effectively. For example, the fill light can provide additional illumination in low-light conditions, while the companion app can offer remote control and advanced settings.

By following these tips, you can unlock the full potential of your phone gimbal and capture professional-looking videos that will impress your audience.

As you practice and experiment with your phone gimbal, you’ll develop your own unique style and techniques. Remember to have fun and explore the creative possibilities that this powerful tool offers.


Choosing the best phone gimbal for your needs involves considering factors such as stabilization performance, battery life, compatibility, ease of use, portability, additional features, value for money, and brand reputation. By carefully evaluating these factors, you can find a gimbal that meets your specific requirements and enhances your videography experience.

Remember that a phone gimbal is not just a tool; it’s an extension of your creativity. With practice and experimentation, you can master the art of using a gimbal and capture stunning, professional-looking videos that will captivate your audience. Embrace the possibilities and let your imagination soar.

Thank you for reading this comprehensive guide to the best phone gimbals in 2024. May your videos always be smooth, stable, and full of creative expression.

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