Awp 2024 Schedule

The Association for Women in Psychology (AWP) Annual Conference is a major event for female psychologists and students in the field. The 2024 conference will be held in Denver, Colorado, from March 7th to 10th.

The AWP conference offers a variety of opportunities for attendees to learn, network, and grow professionally. There will be keynote speeches by leading psychologists, as well as workshops, panels, and poster presentations on a wide range of topics in psychology.

Awp 2024 Schedule

The AWP 2024 conference will offer a variety of events and activities for attendees, including:

  • Keynote speeches
  • Workshops
  • Panels
  • Poster presentations
  • Networking opportunities
  • Professional development sessions
  • Social events
  • Awards ceremony

The conference will also feature a variety of exhibitors, including publishers, vendors, and non-profit organizations.

Keynote speeches

The AWP 2024 conference will feature keynote speeches by four leading psychologists:

  • Dr. Kimberly Crenshaw, a leading scholar in the fields of critical race theory and intersectionality, will speak on the topic of “The Psychology of Intersectionality.”
  • Dr. Ibram X. Kendi, a National Book Award-winning author and historian, will speak on the topic of “How to Be an Antiracist.”
  • Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, a professor of psychology at Palo Alto University, will speak on the topic of “The Psychology of Sexual Trauma.”
  • Dr. Resmaa Menakem, a licensed clinical psychologist and trauma specialist, will speak on the topic of “The Body Keeps the Score: Healing Racial Trauma.”

These keynote speeches will provide attendees with a unique opportunity to hear from some of the most influential voices in psychology today.


The AWP 2024 conference will offer a variety of workshops on a wide range of topics, including:

  • How to Write a Strong CV and Cover Letter

    This workshop will provide attendees with tips on how to write a strong CV and cover letter that will help them stand out from the competition.

  • Negotiating Salary and Benefits

    This workshop will teach attendees how to negotiate salary and benefits with confidence and get the best possible outcome.

  • Imposter Syndrome: What It Is and How to Overcome It

    This workshop will help attendees understand what imposter syndrome is, how it can impact their careers, and how to overcome it.

  • Building a Successful Research Program

    This workshop will provide attendees with tips on how to build a successful research program, from developing a research question to writing a grant proposal.

These workshops are designed to help attendees develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in their careers.


The AWP 2024 conference will feature a variety of panels on a wide range of topics, including:

The Future of Psychology
This panel will bring together leading psychologists to discuss the future of the field, including emerging trends in research and practice.

Diversity and Inclusion in Psychology
This panel will focus on the importance of diversity and inclusion in psychology, and will discuss ways to make the field more welcoming and inclusive for all.

The Psychology of Climate Change
This panel will explore the psychological impacts of climate change, and will discuss ways to promote mental health and well-being in the face of climate change.

The Psychology of Technology
This panel will examine the impact of technology on our lives, and will discuss ways to use technology to promote mental health and well-being.

These panels will provide attendees with an opportunity to hear from experts in the field and to engage in discussions about some of the most important issues facing psychology today.

Poster presentations

The AWP 2024 conference will feature a poster session where attendees can present their research findings. Posters are a great way to share your work with other researchers and to get feedback from experts in the field.

  • Eligibility

    All attendees are eligible to submit a poster abstract. Abstracts should be no more than 250 words and should include a brief overview of your research question, methods, results, and conclusions.

  • Submission deadline

    The deadline for submitting poster abstracts is March 1, 2024.

  • Selection process

    A panel of experts will review all submitted abstracts and select the best posters for presentation at the conference.

  • Poster presentation guidelines

    Posters should be no larger than 4 feet wide by 3 feet high. Posters should be clear and concise, and should include a brief overview of your research question, methods, results, and conclusions.

Poster presentations are a great way to share your research with other researchers and to get feedback from experts in the field. If you are interested in presenting a poster at the AWP 2024 conference, please submit your abstract by March 1, 2024.

Networking opportunities

The AWP 2024 conference will offer a variety of networking opportunities for attendees, including:

  • Welcome reception

    The welcome reception is a great opportunity to meet other attendees and to learn about the conference program.

  • Poster session

    The poster session is a great way to meet other researchers and to learn about their work.

  • Social events

    The conference will feature a variety of social events, including a happy hour and a dinner banquet. These events are a great way to network with other attendees and to relax and have fun.

  • Career fair

    The career fair is a great opportunity to meet with potential employers and to learn about job opportunities in the field of psychology.

These networking opportunities are a great way to connect with other psychologists, to learn about new research and job opportunities, and to build your professional network.

Professional development sessions

The AWP 2024 conference will offer a variety of professional development sessions for attendees, including:

Ethics in psychology
This session will provide an overview of the ethical principles that govern the practice of psychology, and will discuss how to apply these principles to real-world situations.

Cultural competence in psychology
This session will discuss the importance of cultural competence in psychology, and will provide tips on how to provide culturally competent care to clients from diverse backgrounds.

Grant writing for psychologists
This session will provide an overview of the grant writing process, and will offer tips on how to write successful grant proposals.

Career development for psychologists
This session will provide tips on how to develop a successful career in psychology, including how to find a job, negotiate salary, and advance your career.

These professional development sessions are a great way to learn new skills and knowledge, and to advance your career in psychology.

Social events

The AWP 2024 conference will feature a variety of social events, including:

  • Welcome reception

    The welcome reception is a great opportunity to meet other attendees and to learn about the conference program.

  • Poster session

    The poster session is a great way to meet other researchers and to learn about their work.

  • Happy hour

    The happy hour is a great opportunity to network with other attendees and to relax and have fun.

  • Dinner banquet

    The dinner banquet is a great opportunity to celebrate the end of the conference and to network with other attendees.

These social events are a great way to connect with other psychologists, to learn about new research, and to build your professional network.

Awards ceremony

The AWP 2024 conference will feature an awards ceremony to recognize the outstanding achievements of psychologists. The following awards will be presented:

AWP Distinguished Lifetime Achievement Award
This award is given to a psychologist who has made significant contributions to the field of psychology over the course of their career.

AWP Early Career Award
This award is given to a psychologist who has made significant contributions to the field of psychology early in their career.

AWP Dissertation Award
This award is given to a psychologist who has written an outstanding dissertation in the field of psychology.

AWP Student Poster Award
This award is given to a student who has presented an outstanding poster at the AWP conference.

The awards ceremony is a great opportunity to celebrate the achievements of psychologists and to learn about the latest research in the field.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the AWP 2024 conference:

Question 1: When and where is the conference being held?
Answer: The conference will be held from March 7th to 10th, 2024, in Denver, Colorado.

Question 2: How much does it cost to attend the conference?
Answer: Registration fees vary depending on membership status and registration type. Please visit the conference website for more information.

Question 3: What is the deadline to register for the conference?
Answer: The deadline to register for the conference is March 1, 2024.

Question 4: What is the cancellation policy for the conference?
Answer: Cancellations made before February 1, 2024, will receive a full refund. Cancellations made after February 1, 2024, will receive a 50% refund.

Question 5: What are the accommodation options for the conference?
Answer: A variety of hotel options are available near the conference venue. Please visit the conference website for more information.

Question 6: What are the transportation options for getting to the conference?
Answer: Denver International Airport (DIA) is the closest airport to the conference venue. A variety of transportation options are available to get from the airport to the conference venue, including taxis, ride-sharing services, and public transportation.

Question 7: What are the dining options near the conference venue?
Answer: A variety of dining options are available near the conference venue, including restaurants, cafes, and bars. Please visit the conference website for more information.

We hope this FAQ has answered your questions about the AWP 2024 conference. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Now that you have all the basic information about the AWP 2024 conference, here are a few tips to help you make the most of your experience:


Here are a few tips to help you make the most of your experience at the AWP 2024 conference:

1. Plan ahead.
The AWP conference is a large event, so it is important to plan ahead to make the most of your time. Be sure to review the conference program and identify the sessions and events that you are most interested in attending. You should also book your hotel and travel arrangements in advance, especially if you are traveling from out of town.

2. Be prepared to network.
The AWP conference is a great opportunity to network with other psychologists and professionals in the field. Be sure to bring plenty of business cards and be prepared to introduce yourself to people. You can also attend social events and receptions to meet new people and make connections.

3. Take advantage of the professional development opportunities.
The AWP conference offers a variety of professional development opportunities, such as workshops, panels, and poster presentations. Be sure to take advantage of these opportunities to learn new skills and knowledge, and to advance your career.

4. Have fun!
The AWP conference is a great opportunity to learn, network, and have fun. Be sure to take some time to relax and enjoy the social events and activities that are offered.

We hope these tips help you make the most of your experience at the AWP 2024 conference.

The AWP 2024 conference is a great opportunity to learn, network, and grow professionally. We encourage you to attend the conference and to make the most of your experience.


The AWP 2024 conference will be a major event for female psychologists and students in the field. The conference will offer a variety of opportunities for attendees to learn, network, and grow professionally.

Some of the highlights of the conference include:

  • Keynote speeches by leading psychologists
  • Workshops on a variety of topics
  • Panels on current issues in psychology
  • Poster presentations
  • Networking opportunities
  • Professional development sessions
  • Social events
  • Awards ceremony

The AWP 2024 conference is a great opportunity to learn about the latest research in psychology, to network with other psychologists, and to advance your career.

We encourage you to attend the conference and to make the most of your experience.

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